
Learn more about Trust House Foundation grant funding in your community.
Read NZ Te Pou Muramura

Read NZ Te Pou Muramura

Founded in 1972, Read NZ Te Pou Muramura (formerly the Book Council), wants New Zealanders to be the greatest readers on the planet because we know that reading creates better and richer lives.

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Tora Bombora

Tora Bombora

Tora Bombora is a community art and music festival that showcases young talent throughout Aotearoa and brings people together to the Tora coastline to celebrate emerging musicians, artists and to support a growing trend of events that encourage community engagement, celebration and environmental harmony.

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The Wairarapa Dragon Boat Club

The Wairarapa Dragon Boat Club

The Wairarapa Dragon Boat Club was founded in 2009 to encourage breast cancer survivors to participate in an international movement inspired by the research of Canadian sports medicine specialist Dr.Don McKenzie. He proved that hard repetitive physical exercise reduced or eliminated lymphedema.

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