Trust House Foundation Grants Evening Aug 18
Trust House Foundation Grants Evening Aug 18
Trust House Foundation Grants Evening Aug 18
A simple park is helping to make Masterton East the “best little community” in town.
To a passerby, McJorrow Park may look like any other playground, but for many of the residents in the “Cameron Block” it has slowly become an emblem of togetherness, and source of pride.
At the Leg-Up Trust we support and guide our clients to develop a trusting relationship/connection with horses and, through this, to develop their own self confidence, empathy and a sense of love and trust.
The Wairarapa Road Safety Council(WRSC) is an Incorporated Society (1991) of charitable status, contracted to Masterton, Carterton & South Wairarapa District Councils, to deliver a Road Safety programme across the region.
Martinborough Volunteer Fire Brigade’s new incident support vehicle, will enable it to respond to emergency calls more quickly and safely.
Based at Pandora Pond in Napier and established in 1997, Te Rau Oranga O Ngāti Kahungunu Waka Ama Club provides coaching and recreation opportunities for whānau, schools and local community organisations interested in improving health and well being through the sport of waka ama.