Martinborough Volunteer Fire Brigade’s new rapid response
Martinborough Volunteer Fire Brigade’s new incident support vehicle, will enable it to respond to emergency calls more quickly and safely.
Martinborough Volunteer Fire Brigade’s new incident support vehicle, will enable it to respond to emergency calls more quickly and safely.
Based at Pandora Pond in Napier and established in 1997, Te Rau Oranga O Ngāti Kahungunu Waka Ama Club provides coaching and recreation opportunities for whānau, schools and local community organisations interested in improving health and well being through the sport of waka ama.
A Masterton secondary school’s use of an alternative to the traditional punitive responses to wrongdoing, is continuing to win the support of Trust House Ltd.
Restorative justice is based on the idea that a pupil needs to take responsibility for his or her actions.
katrina Sime (katie) is taking a step back from a record 43 years working for Trust House Limited.
Efforts to build a “motorsport park” in Masterton are gaining momentum with Trust House Ltd getting in behind the project.