Nature School NZ Trust
Nature School NZ Trust are a registered charity, established in 2018. Our purpose is getting as many as possible NZ children learning from and through play in nature.
Nature School NZ Trust are a registered charity, established in 2018. Our purpose is getting as many as possible NZ children learning from and through play in nature.
On behalf of Tawa Hockey Club we wanted to say thankyou again for the funding that
Trust House provided towards coaching.
Our paid, part-time Porirua Manager, and a team of volunteers, provide volunteer work opportunities to hundreds of Porirua residents each year.
Stroke Central New Zealand is a not-for-profit, membership-based organisation for stroke survivors and their whanau.
Founded in 1972, Read NZ Te Pou Muramura (formerly the Book Council), wants New Zealanders to be the greatest readers on the planet because we know that reading creates better and richer lives.
Trust House Porirua Regional Committee writes….
Rest in peace Henry Smith
Member of the Trust House Porirua Regional Advisory Committee, Porirua leader and local icon Henry Smith passed away suddenly on March 14th.