The Island Bay Natural Heritage Charitable Trust was established for the purpose of securing the land that is now Paekawakawa Reserve.

The property was on the market with plans for an intensive housing development, but with the support of the community, including substantial donations and an interest free loan from Gareth Morgan, the founding trustees vision of creating a reserve to protect the open space was secured with purchase of the land in December 2006.

Originally the site had been a beautiful private garden with a number of established exotic and native trees, but over the years and changes in owners the site became neglected and covered in invasive pest plants and refuse. The Trustees and our volunteer network have since invested a lot of time and effort to subdivide the property (the original dwelling was subsequently sold), fence, form access tracks, remove weeds and plant trees; so far 4000 of them.

The Trust House Grant has enabled the employment of contractors to remove pest trees and plants in locations that are too difficult for the small volunteer group to manage, for which we are very appreciative. These areas will now be able to be planted up with the 700 trees ordered for the winter planting season.

This assistance will help us work toward our vision of preserving and enhancing the biodiversity of Paekawakawa Reserve to create a community reserve that connects with the local network of green spaces and promotes understanding of the natural, cultural and historic heritage of the area. We are excited to see the Reserve being increasingly used and enjoyed by our community, including by local school and pre-school groups.

We connect with our community via our Facebook page.