At English Language Partners Porirua (part of English Language Partners NZ) we facilitate successful resettlement of adults of refugee and migrant background, through providing welcoming spaces for these adults to learn the language that is fundamental to their participation in Aotearoa New Zealand – English.
Our classes respond to client needs, providing a range of classes from pre-literate through to advanced, both full time and part time, and embedding lessons in topics that help educate our clients about life in New Zealand. Several of our clients are Mums with pre-schoolers, so we have a playgroup in one class, allowing Mums to learn English rather than stay isolated at home. Classes pathway our clients onto further study or employment; and for those looking for employment we provide a class that focuses on obtaining employment in the Kiwi context. We also provide Employment focussed classes for those in employment but who wish to develop their language further, often in relation to upskilling for employment, but also for improved social ability. Further, we training and support ESOL Home Tutors, who voluntarily tutor individuals at home, on a one to one basis, often responding to language around immediate needs situations or supporting what is occurring in class.
We greatly appreciate the support of Trust House, whose grant assists us in covering the venue hire costs. This assistance is essential to our providing classroom space to assist our clients, and by extension their families and the greater community when new Kiwis participate across all spaces. More about us on our website>>