Special Olympics Hutt Valley

Special Olympics Hutt Valley is an affiliated club to Special Olympics New Zealand.  We provide sporting opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities across a range of sports.

Even though we are based in the Hutt Valley we have the policy to accommodate any athletes who come to us wishing to participate, even if they live outside out the Hutt Valley catchment area.

We were the very first Special Olympics club in New Zealand, formed back in the early 1980’s. We are very proud that this is part of our history/whakapapa.

We live by the Special Olympics motto:

Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”

For a lot of our athletes, it takes an immense amount of courage for them step up and give something new a try. For most, participating in Special Olympics is the only opportunity they have to experience the thrill and sense of achievement that comes from participating and competing in sports.

In line with that being able to put on our club uniform and represent their city in a sporting contest provides an immense amount of pride for our athletes.

We are a volunteer-based organisation and received no dedicated funding. It is only through the generous support of organisations like Trust House Foundation that we can run our sporting programmes and supply uniforms for our athletes.

This year we are sending a team of 54 to the Special Olympic Summer Games Hamilton, between the 8-12 December 2022.  Our Upper Hutt based athletes will be wearing the uniform paid for by Trust House Foundation with pride.

Trust House Foundation support of our athletes means more than you can ever imagine.


More about us on our Facebook page.



Special Olympics Hutt Valley