Altrusa Ohariū
Altrusa Ohariū is based in Johnsonville and is a community based service organisation aiming to make a difference in our community.
Altrusa Ohariū has a membership of volunteers who focus on projects that uplift underprivileged communities and increase literacy and STEM for young persons. Altrusa Ohariū meet monthly in Johnsonville Community hub and are on the look out for local charities, clubs , schools and organisations in need who may need assistance in funds , resources or volunteers.
Altrusa Ohariū took part in a national Altrusa campaign to provide distraction packs for Police to use while attending incidents in our community. We applied for a Trust House fund to create 50 distraction packs ; each pack includes a fidget item and activity book and pencils , and is packaged in a sturdy book bag.
The packs were delivered to Constable Sarah Steed and Kapiti Mana Area Commander, Inspector Renee Perkins.
The packs will be given to children to provide as a distraction during community policing to allow Police the time to speak with caregivers and parents and to ensure the kids don’t have to re-live traumatic events. The packs are also given to kids who have experienced an accident or been involved in an emergency to take their mind off the situation at hand.