Volunteer Porirua
“Volunteering is a proactive way to keep evolving and learning new skill sets.” (Porirua Volunteer)
Our paid, part-time Porirua Manager, and a team of volunteers, provide volunteer work opportunities to hundreds of Porirua residents each year. These opportunities meet the needs of volunteers who wish to; contribute to society in a voluntary way, develop their skills and improve their CVs, gradually enter or re-enter the workforce, develop better English language skills, develop new social and work networks, connect to their community and improve their health and wellbeing. We work with diverse communities in Porirua that includes those who have barriers to participation in the community such as former refugees and new migrants, those suffering mental health issues and those with physical disabilities, people with criminal convictions and the long term unemployed.
Alongside recruiting and referring volunteers to community organisation members, we run workshops and a Manager of Volunteers peer support group, provide advice and support on the management of volunteers and connect business teams to community projects through our Employee Volunteering programme.
Funding from Trust House is used to support the ongoing operational costs of running Volunteer Porirua. This funding is an investment in more than one organisation. Supporting our mahi has the flow-on effect of also supporting community organisations in Porirua; the core of our mahi is supporting other organisations to effectively do theirs. Porirua benefits from this funding by having a diverse volunteer pool alongside supported volunteer programmes and organisations. Thank you Trust House!
More info at: www.volunteerwellington.nz