Every 15 minutes someone in New Zealand experiences a brain injury. Brain injury can have a profound impact on the person, their whanau and the community.

Whilst the majority of brain injuries are mild and will make a full recovery, we work with those that are experiencing ongoing challenges and Trust House Foundation has been integral in supporting us to achieve this.

Brain Injury  Hawke’s Bay offers education, information and support to all those affected by Brain Injury in our community.

Our goal is to ensure that those experiencing the challenges of brain injury can easily access the appropriate supports required to live full and independent lives. Part of this goal is to provide education to the community in an effort to reduce the impact of brain injury.

With the support from Trust House Foundation we have been able to continue to provide this education, support and increase the reach of our supports in the community especially in areas of Hawke’s Bay.

Lisit our youtube Channel to find out more about us.

Brain Injury Association, Hawkes Bay

06 878 6875 ext:2