The Life Education Trust North Wellington is one of 32 Life Education community trusts based around NZ.  We are a registered charity and are managed by a team of volunteer trustees.

The North Wellington Trust operates a mobile classroom which allows us to take our unique health-based teaching programmes directly to children in the North Wellington area.  The classroom is equipped with sophisticated electronic aids, including software that shows the body’s circulatory, nervous, respiratory and digestive systems, which make learning a different and exciting experience for the children.  The Trust employs a full time Educator, who is a registered teacher.

The Trust House Foundation grant enables the Trust to achieve its outcomes by funding a variety of ongoing operational costs such as workbooks, mobile classroom repairs & maintenance, classroom resources and more.

There are nearly 11,000 primary and intermediate aged children in the area the Trust supports. Outcomes: In 2018 alone, the Trust delivered programmes to 5,559 children.  That’s nearly 50% of all the children in a single year. Our presence at schools is by invitation only which demonstrates the value schools attach to our programmes which support children in:

  • Developing life skills
  • Making healthy choices
  • Gaining knowledge about health and their bodies
  • Developing self-esteem and a positive understanding of themselves
  • Developing strategies for relating to others

All our programme modules are consistent with modern learning techniques and the NZ Education curriculum.  The effectiveness of the programmes is regularly reviewed and validated by independent research to ensure all aspects remain fully relevant in today’s ever changing environment.


Life Education Trust North Wellington
ph 021 491 838