Disability Resource Centre (HB) Trust (DRC) promotes independence by offering a quality service to enhance inclusion in the Hawkes Bay community. Its vision is “A Society that is Good For and To All”. It provides a professional employment service, enables people with disabilities to achieve their aspirations, provides free, objective information to people with disabilities, and provides a positive, caring and supportive environment.
To date, the generosity of Trust House Foundation grant funding has assisted DRC by contributing towards essential vehicle running costs. The vehicles are used to transport clients to meaningful recreational activities, help with job seeking, as well as being used by staff to go to client meetings, community meetings, and workplace support visits. The vehicles are essential to the achievement of DRC’s purpose.
Victoria suffered a stroke and returned to HB – (Maraekakaho – 25mins out of town). Victoria cannot drive so relies on family for transportation to get into town, for OT, Drs and rehabilitation.
DRC secured P/T employment for Victoria at a Winery in Maraekakaho. Employment Consultants use the vehicles to travel to meet with Victoria and her employer at their place of employment, providing valuable support ensuring that any issues are ironed out sooner rather than later, to enable a sustainable work outcome for Victoria in her own community. Network Personnel Staff also support clients at Work and Income meetings – (very stressful for our clients). Here is Victoria in one of our fleet vehicles heading off for an appointment at Work and Income in Hastings.
Disability Resource Centre (HB) Trust
- 06 873 8210
- Information@drchb.org.nz
- 204 Nelson Street South, Hastings
PO Box 2348, Stortford Lodge, Hastings - drchb.org.nz
- facebook.com/drchb