The members of Porirua Rowing club pass our sincere thanks to the Trust House Foundation for a grant towards a new safety boat. We have purchased a new Highfield rigid hull inflatable powered by a 20Hp four-stroke motor.
The safety boat is ideal for use in the waters of the Porirua Harbour where the club is based. It is used to support rowers out on Porirua Harbour and provides immediate rescue in the event of a capsize and allows coaches to train the rowers up close and safely. The advantage of this new boat over safety boats we have previously purchased is that the pontoons make it simple and easy to rescue a rower from the water, the four-stroke engine is quieter and more environmentally friendly, and the power tilt allows us to be closer to the rowing boats in very shallow water especially in the Pauatahanui arm of the harbour.
Safety boats are essential to training rowers, especially new rowers that can sometimes tip out until they become competent in their boat balance.
The quiet engine allows the rowers to hear instructions from coaches easily and for the many hours on the water the backrest for the skipper is an added bonus.
We are so grateful for the support of Trust House Foundation in their support in the safety and advancement of young rowers in Porirua.
Peter Craig
Porirua Rowing Club