Telling our story
The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) has its roots in war-time England helping people cope with the dislocation, trauma and the complexity that war brings. Bureaux were places people could go to for all sorts of help. They still are.
CAB in New Zealand
The first of now 80 New Zealand CABs was opened in Ponsonby in 1970, with Wairarapa opening in 1974 with 2 volunteers.
CAB evolves to remain relevant and practical to the public.
Each client contact we have is confidentially recorded and CAB National Office can track changes and demands in NZ communities to lobby the government for changes. Our National Office is close at hand in Wellington to give any guidance required.
CAB in the Wairarapa
Our bureau has 32 volunteer, trained interviewers, providing free and confidential advice. Accessing our nationwide data base and a wide range of resources we empower our clients to find the resolution to their issue or their problem.
If a client doesn’t have access to a technology, we can help sourcing information and printing forms as required or guiding them through the process.
Our interviewers bring a personal touch, without judgement and with kindness.
We publish articles in all the five Wairarapa free newspapers, and deliver a radio programme through the Access network, discussing matters of local interest.
Trusthouse has continued to support Wairarapa CAB again this year with a grant towards building rental costs we appreciate the continued support.
Contact us on 0800 367222 or (06) 377 0078
Or at 43 Perry Street, Masterton.

Current Chairperson Westley Ensor hard at work in our office in Perry Street.