New Zealand has a coastline of 15,134 km, 180,000 km of mapped rivers and 3240 lakes – combine that with a generally temperate climate and it’s little wonder that New Zealanders have a strong affinity for the water. Our ancestors all arrived by water – some crossing the Pacific and others making the journey later from the other side of the world.
Swimming is a life-skill that should be developed by everyone – and the opportunity to turn that into a hobby , or a competitive sport, or a life-long passion, or a low-impact approach to health enhancement brings together people of all ages, all backgrounds and all abilities into a common love of being in the water and being able to fulfil their personal goals.
At Swimming Wellington we are committed to helping people along their journey. Our primary responsibility is to help ensure the success of the 19 clubs that are within our region, however the long term growth of our sport means that we must also take a broader view of what is swimming – getting children in the water to develop skills, encouraging adults back into the sport after time away, widening the definition of swimming and putting in place the relationships to enable that to happen.
Trust House Foundation’s support of Swimming Wellington helps enable us to develop a pathway for our swimmers and to grow membership within our region – thank you.
The bronze medal success by Lewis Clareburt at the 2018 Commonwealth Games inspires our members and will attract new participants.