The Hawke’s Bay Youth Trust is a trust established to work with the Youth of Hawke’s Bay. The Hastings Giants Boxing Academy (currently the only vehicle of the Hawke’s Bay Youth Trust) has been operating from their premises in Hastings for the last three years. Craig and the team have built up the resources available to our members and the schools we operate within to facilitate the Olympic style boxing coaching that is used as a platform to grow our giants. The boxing coaching is the means that allows core values to be instilled in the young men that look to us for guidance and support. Craig, our head coach, has been known to say, “we’re a little bit about boxing, and a whole lot about life”.
The Trust House Foundation grant allows us to continue our good work, providing support to us through covering operational costs.
We already know we can demonstrate outcomes such as getting young men off Government support and helping others in starting their own businesses or reaching for their academic dreams. It is these outcomes which we want to see multiplied across our community. The expected benefits include boys in school who are able to manage their anger, have respect for their teachers, classmates, parents and themselves. Building their confidence to allow them to strive to achieve the life they want for themselves. Further outcomes include connecting young men with positive male role models as many of our boys lack a positive influential father figure in their lives. Craig continues to receive referrals from many avenues to reach out to help an at times lost generation. Until very recently we have maintained a waiting list in many of our classes and had 25 children referred by Police and CYFS which continues to demonstrate the demand we see in our community for a positive outlet for young boys and men.
The Trust describes our outcome focuses as:
*providing opportunities and life skills coaching, practical boxing and exercise training, positive role modelling and leadership skills, talent identification and goal setting
* creating activities and events to encourage participation and healthy recreation to support well being of young people their whanau and our community
*building quality relationships with our participants so we can support them ie. with employment, learning opportunities and achieving wider benefits than just sporting (confidence and improved home/school life).