For braising:
- 6x large hind quarter shanks
- 1x large onion
- 2x swedes
- 2x carrots
- 2x red peppers
- 1x kumara
- 2x tomatoes
- 1x bay leaf
- ½ teaspoon fresh thyme
- 4 teaspoons ground cumin
- 2 tablespoons beef stock
- 2 tablespoons crushed garlic
- 1 cup tomato paste
- 500mls red wine
- 2lt water
For rhubarb compote:
- 5x fresh stems of rhubarb
- 1x lemon
- 1 cup sugar
- pinch of salt
Serves 6
Serves 6
Season shanks with salt and pepper and place on a hot plate. Sear until golden brown. Place shanks in large steel basin, then add large diced swedes, carrots, peppers, kumara, tomatoes and onion into the shanks and sprinkle with fresh thyme and whole bay leaf. Place into a large bowl with red wine, beef stock, water, garlic, ground cumin, tomato paste and whisk thoroughly. Pour over the shanks and root vegetables in basin. Cover with foil and place in oven for 2 ½ – 3 hours until meat is tender.
To make rhubarb compote:
Cut stems into large piece and place into a pot. Add sugar, salt, lemon juice and zest. Simmer until rhubarb is tender and still slightly chunky then place shank on top of mash potato in deep plate and top with rhubarb.
To make port jus:
Take the braising liquid out of the dish and reduce by half, add two tablespoons of port and 50gms of butter, whisk until smooth and silky. Pour over the shank and enjoy!