Wairarapa Singers is an incorporated charitable society which was established in 1994. We are one of the finest choirs in the region and currently have 70 members. Our main concerts typically attract an audience of over 400 people. We aim to make the best music we possibly can, joining with local musicians and singers to make memorable events. Our new music director is Andrew Atkins who is currently assistant conductor of Orchestra Wellington and a tutor at Victoria University, NZ School of Music. We are affiliated to the NZ Choral Federation.
Our goals are to share our love of singing while having fun and enjoying music, both old and new. We perform three main concerts a year, usually held in the autumn and spring; and for 2018, an Armistice concert in Featherston. Excellent audience numbers and enthusiastic audience response both testify to this community’s appetite for great choral music. Previously, large choral works had been presented with organ accompaniment, and while the choir is very grateful to the accompanists of the past, performing with an orchestra has enhanced our performances. Both Handel’s Messiah (2017) and Bach’s St Matthew Passion (2018) were significantly enriched by their orchestral accompaniments. These were made possible by Trust House Foundation Grants being used to pay musicians of professional standard.
We are very grateful for the support of the Trust House Foundation, whose grants have enabled the choir to employ professional musicians to enhance our performances for the benefit of all.