The Heretaunga Women’s Centre is the oldest purpose built facility for women and children in Australasia. Situated in the heart of Hastings we are a community hub providing a central meeting place where women can participate in a wide range of courses and services provided for women by women. Our services include counselling, baby change, feed and play room for the children, support and resources, wellbeing practitioners, free legal advice and a wide variety of courses/activities and self-help programmes. These are all available at low cost.
Providing our services from a large category 1 historic building (the Hastings Womens Rest) gives us the opportunity to have lots going on, but it also is not cheap. The grant we receive from Trust House assists us with our operating expenses. Essentially all those day to day expenses that need to be paid so that we can keep our doors open, providing a welcoming environment for women to meet.
When women come to our Centre they find a place to become empowered, to develop their skill base, and improve their own and their family’s physical wellbeing. This has positive effects on the community as a whole. By advancing personal growth and development of our women it directly impacts on the lives of everyone they relate to; their family, their friends and their community. We believe that by nurturing women then the whole community is nurtured.
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