One of our riders competing in the RDA classes at the Hawke’s Bay A&P Show in 2014.
Hastings Group Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated has been providing therapeutic riding and horsemanship lessons in Hawke’s Bay since 1972.
Therapeutic riding can start as early as age 3, however we work with mainly school age children who have a broad spectrum of disabilities and some amazing abilities.
Each rider will have an individually designed programme to meet their short and long term goals which are set by them, their caregivers, school, paediatrician or therapist. These goals are then interpreted by the qualified coaches into a series of riding sessions working on physical therapeutic needs, support for education or an introduction to riding as a sport or recreation.
Trust House Foundation grant funding enables Hastings RDA to have continuity, retaining qualified coaches who can then train our volunteer team and the therapy horses and ponies to work with our riders to help the Save & Exit m achieve their goals.
Therapeutic riding has many benefits for our riders and the new skills they learn translate into all areas of their lives, helping them in their home and school environment and also in the wider community. Improved balance and stability, muscle strength and co-ordination including improved walking ability, help them move around more easily. The ability to concentrate and problem solve certainly help at school and improved communication and social skills allow our riders to become more self-confident as the success they have in their RDA goals encourages them to participate more in every area of their lives.
Hastings Group Riding for the Disabled Assn Inc
Joan Fernie Centre,
699 Murdoch Road East,
PO Box 526, Hastings 4156
Telephone: 06 876 9498
Website: www.rdahastings.org.nz