The Highland Gathering came about in 2002 when two Highland Games enthusiasts formed a partnership with the Upper Hutt City Council.  The result, a cultural event showcasing dancing, piping, drumming, Clan gatherings and strongman competitions; the event provides exciting entertainment and competition for families to enjoy.

The Upper Hutt Highlanders Society now fully hosts the event with support from a wide range of Scottish interest groups with a mission to continue to foster Scottish Arts, culture and Heritage in the Upper Hutt region and generating interest and participation in all things Scottish.

Held in beautiful Harcourt Park, the design of the park assists in the ambience of the event. The variety of the event performances ensures something for all tastes.

The support of Trust House in assisting with costs of running this event is greatly appreciated and assists in making the event a successful one.

For more information please contact:
Kylie Allison-Miller
Upper Hutt Highlanders Inc
021 451 949 | email: