Arrow FM is Wairarapa’s only community access radio station, providing services to over 40 community groups. We exist to give media access to cultural and ethnic minorites, people with disabilities, and those with alternative viewpoints and ideologies. We broadcast in English, Maori, Samoan, German, Spanish and potentially any other language on the planet. We air regular programmes from 8 local primary schools, and feature stories from the residents of our retirement homes. Our portable service extends to the Carterton and South Wairarapa districts, with regular programming from each. Programme makers use our facility to help integrate migrants into our community, to discuss the issues relevant to their cultures/beliefs/struggles, and to bring these matters to the attention of the general public. Access Radio gives them a genuine connection to the community, and a regular forum for exploring matters of general and particular importance. Arrow FM has become their broadcasting whanau. Several local programmes have been winners and finalists in the NZ Radio Awards, and some are re-broadcast on other Access stations around the country. Each programme maker is trained to operate the studio equipment, which enhances the personal ownership aspect of presenting their shows. Arrow FM has been the grateful recipient of many Trust House grants over the years, enabling us to purchase crucial items of equipment and afford ongoing operational expenses. We are grateful that Trust House recognises the value of our community service, and we acknowledge that their support has been instrumental in allowing us to survive and flourish.