Masterton Community Toy Library is a not-for-profit, registered charity branching from TLFNZ (Toy Library Federation of New Zealand). Today Masterton Community Toy Library houses over 1500 toys aimed at children 0-8 years, and operates much like a public library where members borrow toys for a fixed time – for us this is a two week period. We also provide cake tin hire, and party packages where you can hire toys for your children’s party. Whether you’re a foster carer, grandparent, auntie, uncle or parent; you’re sure to find something for the little people in your lives without any large expense. Our toy library surrounds itself in community; in-fact the machine behind the organisation is a small committee with people from all walks of life including early childhood tertiary students, parents, a grandparent and more. Alongside the Trust House Foundation (who assist in new toy purchases); our supporters and funders also include NZCU, Oldfields, Trust House Limited, Masterton Trust Lands Trust, Lottery Community, Thomas George McCarthy Trust, Masterton District Council, Prime Community Trust, Eastern & Central Community Trust, COGS (Community Organisation Grants Scheme), and donations from the general public from time to time. We can’t thank our funders and supporters enough for their contributions which form the backbone to this much needed resource for our community.
If you would like to know more about us, whether it be opening hours, location, fundraising efforts, or how we could help, feel free to visit our website www.toylibrary.org.nz.